Vegetarian in Islam perspective

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Vegetarian in Islam perspective

Having a healthy lifestyle, fresh body, and beautiful appearance are everyone dream. Nowadays many people are willing to do anything to get the best quality of life. Some of them even do treatment and diet. People have many ways in doing treatment or diet. Some people do diet by doing sports, consume some medicine, and being a vegetarian. Since vegetarian has become trend in society, many people tend to choose become vegetarian for some reasons including for diet.

What is vegetarian?
Vegetarian is a technical term which was created in 1847. This term was used first time in England by Joseph Brotherton. It was formally used on 30th September at that year. Before vegetarian is used formally, people called it “Pythagorean”. Vegetarian means that the people do not consume living thing like meat and fowl. They only consume plants like vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, there are three kinds of vegetarian those are lacto evo, lacto, and vegan. For lacto evo, people only consume vegetables, nut, egg and the product from milk. Lacto does not consume milk and even the product. Then vegan only consumes plants. They even oppose the using of product which is made from living thing like shoes, bag, and clothes.
The benefits and lacks of vegetarian

Since many people tend to choose vegetarian to be their diet, of course this has some benefits for people. Being vegetarian is believed able to reduce the risk of danger disease like cancer. It is also effective to less weight and cholesterol. Besides, the vegetarian will have smooth and fresh skin which will deliver beautiful appearance. But then, some research indicate that being vegetarian also dangerous for human health. People need zinc, calcium, iron, protein and vitamin for their health. The content of zinc is found much in kinds of animal. Then, 80% of calcium is from milk while 80% of iron is from egg and meat. So, vegetarian also has possibility to get some illness because lack of vitamin, protein, zinc, calcium and iron which is difficult found in plants.

Islam perspective of vegetarian
There are several reasons why people choose to be a vegetarian. Some of them being vegetarian because to improve their diet, while others do it because they are animal lover or to do go green. In Islam perspective, the propriety of being vegetarian will depend on the intention of the people. If it is for their goodness such as their health it will be good for them. Allah swt has said in Al Quran surah An-Nahl: 114.
“So eat of the good and lawful things which Allah has provided for you: and be grateful to Allah for his favors, if you are sincere in his worship”

The verse above clearly tells people to be grateful for what Allah swt has given. Since it is something good and allowed to consume in Islam, there is no prohibition to consume it.
Afterwards, some people become vegetarian because they claim their selves as animal lover. They oppose the consumption of living thing without exception. If people oppose the consumption of living thing for making product like shoes, bag, and clothes, it is such a good thing for go green. But then, if they oppose the consumption of living thing for eat, it is not right in Islam. Allah swt has said in Al Quran surah Al-Kautsar: 2.
“Therefore, offer Salah (prayer) to your lord and sacrifice”
And also in Al Quran surah Al-Hajj:36.

“We have included the sacrificial camels among the symbol of Allah, for there is much good for you in them. Therefore, pronounce the name of Allah over them while standing, and when they fall down on their sides after slaughter, then eat of their meat, fees the contented (poor who don’t ask). Thus we have subjected these animals to you so you may be grateful”

Both of the surah are delivered to command people to sacrifice with animals such as camel. The sacrifice is one of the symbols of people to be grateful for what Allah swt has given. To be grateful to Allah, Islamic people can do sacrifice by cut animal for sacrifice like camel, cow, or sheep. The sacrifice day is scheduled 4 days every year that is on 10, 11, 12 and 13 dzulhijjah.

In conclusion, being vegetarian is allowed as long as for health reason. People also should be careful for what they consume and what they need to consume for the sake of their health and be grateful for what Allah has given to them. Become an animal lover and organize go green is also good for better world and avoid global warming. But then, oppose the consumption of living thing is not right as long as that is allowed in Islam.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Qur’an in English Translation Complete based on the translation of F. Malik

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