Biography K.H Hasyim Asy'ari

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Kyai Haji Mohammad Hasjim Asy'arie hindquarters also often spelled Asy'ari or Ashari ( born in Demak , Central Java , 10 April 1875 - died in Jombang , East Java , July 25, 1947 at the age of 72 years ; 4 Jumada Awwal 1292 H - 6 of Ramadan 1366 H ; buried in Tebu Ireng , Jombang ) is one of the National Hero of Indonesia who is the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama , the largest Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia . Among Nahdliyin and scholars pesantren he dubbed as Hadratus Sheikh which means guru .


K.H Hasyim Asy'ari is the third of 10 children  . His father named Kyai Ash'ari , Loud Pesantren leaders who are in the south Jombang . His mother named Halimah . While his tenth among others : Nafi'ah , Ahmad Saleh , Radiah , Hassan , Anis , Fatanah , Maimunah , Maksum , Nahrawi and Adnan . Based on the maternal lineage , K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari has good lineage from Sultan Pajang Jaka Tingkir also has a descent to the Majapahit Hindu monarch , King Brawijaya V ( Lembupeteng ) . Here pedigree based K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari based on the maternal lineage.

He was married seven times and all of his wife was the daughter of the clergy . Four named Khadijah his wife , Nafisa , Nafiqah , and Masrurah . One of his sons , Wahid Hasyim is one of the framers of the Charter of Jakarta who later became Minister of Religion ,  while his grandson , Abdurrahman Wahid , became President of Indonesia .


K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari learn the basics of the religion of his father and grandfather , who was also the leader Kyai Uthman Nggedang Pesantren in Jombang . Since the age of 15, he traveled to study in various schools , among others Pesantren Wonokoyo in Probolinggo , Langitan boarding school in Tuban , Trenggilis boarding school in Semarang , Pesantren Pesantren Kademangan in Bangkalan and Siwalan in Sidoarjo .

In 1892 , K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari go studying to Mecca , and studied at the Sheikh Ahmad Khatib Minangkabau , Sheikh Muhammad Mahfouz at- Tarmasi , Sheikh Ahmad Amin Al - Attar , Sheikh Ibrahim Arab , Said Sheikh Yamani , Rahmaullah Shaykh , Shaykh Sholeh Bafadlal , Sayyid Abbas Maliki Sayyid Alwi bin Ahmad al - Saqqaf , and Sayyid Hussein Al -Ethiopia .

In Makkah, initially K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari study under Shaykh bimgingan Mafudz of Termas (Pacitan) which is the first Indonesian cleric from teaching Sahih Bukhari in Makkah. Shaykh Mafudz are scholars of hadith and it's so interesting to learn K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari so that upon his return to Indonesia he was very well-known schools in teaching the science of hadith. He got his diploma directly from Shaikh Mafudz to teach Sahih Bukhari, where Sheikh Mahfouz is the last heir of the linkage receiver (isnad) hadith from 23 generations of recipients this work. Besides studying hadith he also learned tassawuf (Sufi) to explore the Qadiri Order and Naqsyabandiyah.

K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari also studied fiqh Shafi'i madhhab under the tutelage of Shaykh Ahmad Katib from Minangkabau who are also experts in the field of astronomy (astronomy), mathematics (arithmetic), and algebra. In the period studied in Sheikh Ahmad Katib is K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari studied Tafsir Al-manar monumental works of Muhammad Abduh. In principle, he admired the rationality of thought Abduh but less agree with ridicule Abduh against the traditionalist ulama

Another teacher is included renowned scholars from Banten who lived in Makkah that Nawawi al - Bantani . While teachers are not of the archipelago , among others, Sheikh Shata and Shaykh Dagistani which is renowned scholars at that time


In 1899, returning from Mecca, K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari Pesantren Tebu Ireng founded, which later became the largest and most important schools in Java in the 20th century.In 1926, K.H Hasyim Asy'ari became one of the initiators of the establishment of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), which means the resurrection of the clergy.

Work and thought

K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari made a lot of writing and notes. So many of his thoughts, at least four fundamental essay books and describes his thought; Books include:

Minutes of Ahlis-Sunnah Wal Jama'ah: Hadistil Mawta Fi wa wa Asyrathis Hour Mafhumis middle-Sunnah wal Heresy (Paradigm Ahlussunah wal Jama'ah: Discussion of the Dead, Signs of Age, and explanation of Sunnah and Bid'ah)
Nuurul Mubiin fi al-Sayyid al-mursaleen Mahabbati (Light that is Light of Love of the Messenger of God, Muhammad SAW)
Adab al-alim fi wal Muta'allim yahtaju Ilayh maa al-Muta'allim fi Ahwali Ta'alumihi wa maa Ta'limihi (Ethics Teachers and Students in Things to Look by Student During Learning)
Al-Tibyan: fin nahyi 'an Muqota'atil Arham Aqoorib wal wal Ikhwan (Explanation of Prohibition Terminate Silaturrahmi Tali Tali Tali Brotherhood and Friendship)
Muqaddimah al-Qanun al-li Rights Jam'iyyat Nahdlatul Ulama From this book the reader will get an idea of ​​how thinking
he basis of NU. In it are verses and hadith and important messages that underlie the early establishment of Jam'iyah NU. In a sense, this book be "required reading" for the campaigners NU.

Risalah fi Ta'kid al - Akhdzi bi schools of al - A'immah al - Arba'ah . Following the methodology of the priests four namely Imam Shafi'i , Imam Malik , Imam Abu Hanifah
and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal thus has a special meaning. Why would eventually follow in the footsteps of the opinion of the four priests ? Find the answers in this book .

Mawaidz . Is a book that can be a smart solution for activists in
community . When Congress NU XI in 1935 in Bandung , the book was never published in bulk . Likewise Prof Buya Hamka must translate this book to be published in the magazine Panji Masyarakat August 15, 1959 edition .

Arba'ina Haditsan Tata'allaqu bi Mabadi ' Jam'iyyat NU Life
This would not be separated from the obstacles and challenges . Only personal tough and has a strong figure in holding prinsiplah that would pass as pememang . This book contains 40 hadith choice that should serve as guidelines for NU members .

Al - Tanbihat al - Wajibat Liman Yushna 'al - Mawlid al - Munkarat bi is a book that presents some things to consider when commemorate Maulidur apostles.

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